New Arrivals Added To Our Adult Nonfiction Collection in the last 7 days

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The glow code - a cheat sheet for feeling, looking, and being your best at any age

"The Glow Code is an entertaining and engaging lifestyle manual offering concrete, actionable advice from experts across many fields to help women aged 35 and beyond navigate midlife, feel great, and age well. Covering a wide range of magazine topics butwith deeper insight and sound advice, this is the cheat sheet for women with minimum free time but maximum ambition to feel, look and live better now, in midlife and beyond"--

Endless fall - a little chronicle

"In this poignant account of a classmate's suicide, the acclaimed Moroccan author gives both a biting critique of small-town bigotry in the 1960s and a moving tribute to the fleeting beauty of adolescence. In Settat in the 1960s, when it was still a tinyvillage, a young man leapt to his death in front of his stunned class and their teacher, left holding a brief, devastating suicide note. Among the students was Mohamed Leftah. Haunted by the uncommon grace of that desperate act, and the tragic im

Did It Happen Here?- Perspectives on Fascism and America

An essential primer for the thoughtful citizen.

Dancing on my own - essays on art, collectivity, and joy

"An essay collection exploring the aesthetics of class aspirationalism, the complications of creating art and fashion for everyone, and the limits of identity politics"--

Cosplay the Marvel way - a guide to costuming culture and crafting basics

"Become part of the Marvel universe with this one-of-a-kind, official guide on how to cosplay as some of your favorite Marvel characters-like Black Panther, Loki, Ms. Marvel, Captain America, Jean Grey, and more-perfect for Marvel fans and cosplayers of all levels"--

Baseball - the turbulent midcentury years

"A history of baseball as a sport and business during the middle of the twentieth century, examining the game on and off the field and tracing its development within the broader contours of American history"--

The contagion myth - why viruses (including "coronavirus") are not the cause of disease

"Since the dawn of the human race, medicine men and physicians have wondered about the cause of disease, especially what we call 'contagions,' numerous people ill with similar symptoms, all at the same time. Does humankind suffer these outbreaks at the hands of an angry god or evil spirit? A disturbance in the atmosphere, a miasma? Do we catch the illness from others or from some outside influence? As the restriction of our freedoms continues, more and more people are wondering whether this is t

A brief history of intelligence - evolution, AI, and the five breakthroughs that made our brains

"In the last decade, the science of understanding the human brain and replicating its most complicated processes through artificial intelligence has grown exponentially. Intricate neurological functions ranging from writing poetry to crafting original articles, arenas that had long been thought of as science fiction, have become our reality. And yet, large gaps remain in what AI can achieve-gaps that, as pioneering artificial intelligence entrepreneur Max Bennett argues compellingly, exist becau

Assimilate - a critical history of industrial music

More extreme than punk, industrial music revolted against the very ideas of order and reason. This book traces industrial music's attitudes and practices from their earliest articulations-a hundred years ago-through the genre's mid-1970s formation and beyond.

All about Braising- The Art of Uncomplicated Cooking

Stevens's comprehensive guide to this versatile way of cooking is written to instruct a cook at any level. Included are 125 easy recipes, helpful advice on the best cuts of meat, the right choice of fish and vegetables, the right pots, and more.

Zhou Enlai - A Life by Chen, Jian
Date added:
Apr 18, 2024
Zhou Enlai - A Life

You're grounded - an anti-self-help book to calm you the f*ck down

"Where are you right now? Are you here? Or are you sort of somewhere else? You're Grounded is an exploration of what it means to be connected to the present moment. Sometimes your head can be in a completely different place than your body. Whether you'rechecking Instagram or reliving an embarrassing scene from the past, chances are that you're often missing what is happening right in front of you. This guide will help you figure out why you keep floating away from yourself and how to reconnect"-

WordPress all-in-one

Fully updated with the latest releases, this 8-books-in-1 guide covers every aspect of building a blog or website using WordPress, providing you with all the know-how for making this state-of-the-art go-to platform work for you.

